QUESTION #9: Why Is Working My Legs That Important?

Believe me… I hated leg workouts. Until I realize the true potential that a simple set of squats could unleash. Frankly… I see the same people on the leg press machine, leg extensions, doing lunges and doing squats week after week. But for every other muscle group, it‟s like a new day. There are the familiar faces of course, but there are always new people. It‟s like working legs is an exclusive club. And yet that is 50% of your body! Your entire lower body you will neglect because:

  •  You don‟t like working legs
  •  You don‟t want bigger legs
  •  Your legs are big enough

But let‟s suppose… you do work legs. And without much weight at all. Just enough to stimulate your entire body propelling it into new levels of growth. Do you think that is possible? How can doing squats increase our bench press? If you are stuck on bicep curls, how can incorporating legs into your routine break you thru those plateaus? I‟m here to tell you right now, as you read this, that doing leg workouts is a whole lot more than just getting bigger, more toned, or stronger legs. Think about it. Testosterone is a primary ingredient of building muscle. So you do a hard set of tricep pushdowns. Your body responds by making more testosterone. Let‟s just guess at 10% more for the day. Phew. Hard workout. Good job! Do you qualify as one of those people? But… let‟s say you do a set of breathing squats at 100% intensity.

You just boosted your testosterone production 1000%. Do you think I‟m being facetious? But back to the purpose of this question. Working your legs isn‟t an option. It‟s something you do. So you don‟t want bigger legs? Fine. Don‟t pile on the weight. Don‟t overload them. Just stimulate your metabolism, and stimulate your body changing. So you don‟t like legs? Get over it. Fact is, by incorporating legs into your workout, you will see more gains in 6 weeks then most people do in 3 months. Don‟t take my word for it. Look around at your gym? The guy with a huge upper body and tiny chicken legs. Do you want to look like that? Who are the bigger guys in your gym? Who are the women that you most want to look like? I can assure you those people do legs. Any top notch physique does legs. Doing a cardio machine that uses legs is not the same. So that‟s why working your legs is so important. Please do not make excuses. You do not have to train to failure where you cannot walk. You don‟t have to squat 600 lbs. You simply must train the 50% of your body that pretty much 80% of everybody just doesn‟t do. Next time you are in the gym take a good look around. Notice the leg equipment. Notice the same people using that week after week. Become one of the individuals at your gym that trains legs and discover the secret to growth.